miércoles, 25 de abril de 2012


The Spain Charles I inherited in 1516 was a prosperous and Spain rich possibilities, those that the Spanish monarch in Spain were found simple but sensible men, who were not willing to accept the imposition of an alien who was however legitimized this, to change the balance of the kingdom, that Spain was the Spain of the purple sash that rose against the king, who faded in the sun became purple and dyed the banner Republican in 1931, was the Spain of illustrious men who led the country by epic moments of men and women who were faced to power the Spain that nation of nations built from the union of several kingdoms now united under the yoke of vertebrate crown through the 1978 constitution, is a country composed and complex directed by its multiplicity of historical nationalities, languages ​​and dialects enrich our culture with its characteristic sounds and customs of each of its corners that make this land a plural country and different.

So today thinking about the abyss that exposed the country, in the absence of policies to get us out of this predicament I wonder how its citizens react, if Spain is operated by the EU?, Will you accept the nationalists of any sign campaigns in Spain, the imposition of an alien came from Flanders? It's hard to think will happen in a country so divided, where the central government policies fed the independence movement, a country that lacks a clear roadmap for ending the crisis, but if you have a clear responsibility in the words of Minister finance are the autonomous communities, which is why in my opinion, the day that Spain are seized the country born of the union of the Catholic kings began to crumble because not everyone will be willing to foot the bill for a Spain that has neglected to nationalism by imposing his own blood and fire too often a Spain that has been built from the center of an idea that retrograde and largely ineffective has led to this disaster.

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