jueves, 12 de abril de 2012


At the time when Mariano Rajoy was in opposition, said ad nauseam that the PSOE improvised measures to get us out of the crisis and now a week later to make the presentation of the general budget of the state, something that came calling for the EUfrom the month of January to the Spanish government, mean Easter, the executive led by Rajoy has occurred through a press statement that affects a further cut in health and education estimated at 10,000 million Euros.

This new cut that the Spanish right, justifies referring to it is a measure that aims to streamline some aspects of expenditure in these areas and that far from being a cut, is a cost saving measure, collides head-on with the current system because the competence in health and education are decentralized, and any cutting measure, savings, or whatever name it, you must have the consensus of those who have the skills, that in this area are the regions, except measures envisaged in order to rationalize the unnecessary parts of the health infrastructure or education, which are the responsibility of central government and which have a role in government duplicity.

Faced with this new and improvised budgetary adjustment would be nice to know if Mariano Rajoy sure what direction to take to get us out of the crisis, because as far to appease the markets and confidence, appears to have taken the road diametrically opposed, as the raw risk continues to rise to record highs and that Spain has become the epicenter of another earthquake for the Eurozone and while that happens in the markets in Spain vaguely announced that they will translate the new settings, while ministers and heads visible on the right new release balloons on the health repayment, depending on income rather than the end we had just affecting everyone, because in the eyes of the Spanish right, we have to pay for services rendered by the state as citizensNordic countries, while wages and working conditions are closer to third world countries.

Although one could point out that the great problem of Spain is not only not have a growth model and prosperous future for the country, or that the measures being taken by the executive right fit and cut are not used to generate employment, or even less for these measures ultimately generate the growth needed for Spain generate investor confidence, the real problem is that Spain is in a club called the EU to which it belongs, which lacks a comprehensive strategy to get us out of the crisis , that the EU currency, the Euro, we are planting a pulse to impose its hegemony dollar in the markets and to do no supranational control bodies, called "Raiting Agencies" or quietan giving confidence in the markets , the bonds of countries, and the last and in my view, perhaps the main, is that the best way to attack the EU economically through its weakest link and that link is now Spain if we are rescued, the EU vera sunk his confidence in the markets and the European project will founder.

So in my opinion and since I am a layman in such a complex matter, I believe the EU does not put forward a real plan of all countries, all countries for all euro area countries, which aim to us out of the crisis at all, continue on the wrong track because we are linked economically, but politically the pair are separated and that takes us away from a one-way vision of the problem and finding a comprehensive solution.

Antonio Garcia Leal ®

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