miércoles, 25 de abril de 2012


The Spain Charles I inherited in 1516 was a prosperous and Spain rich possibilities, those that the Spanish monarch in Spain were found simple but sensible men, who were not willing to accept the imposition of an alien who was however legitimized this, to change the balance of the kingdom, that Spain was the Spain of the purple sash that rose against the king, who faded in the sun became purple and dyed the banner Republican in 1931, was the Spain of illustrious men who led the country by epic moments of men and women who were faced to power the Spain that nation of nations built from the union of several kingdoms now united under the yoke of vertebrate crown through the 1978 constitution, is a country composed and complex directed by its multiplicity of historical nationalities, languages ​​and dialects enrich our culture with its characteristic sounds and customs of each of its corners that make this land a plural country and different.

So today thinking about the abyss that exposed the country, in the absence of policies to get us out of this predicament I wonder how its citizens react, if Spain is operated by the EU?, Will you accept the nationalists of any sign campaigns in Spain, the imposition of an alien came from Flanders? It's hard to think will happen in a country so divided, where the central government policies fed the independence movement, a country that lacks a clear roadmap for ending the crisis, but if you have a clear responsibility in the words of Minister finance are the autonomous communities, which is why in my opinion, the day that Spain are seized the country born of the union of the Catholic kings began to crumble because not everyone will be willing to foot the bill for a Spain that has neglected to nationalism by imposing his own blood and fire too often a Spain that has been built from the center of an idea that retrograde and largely ineffective has led to this disaster.

lunes, 23 de abril de 2012


"Wherever they burn books, they end up burning men"

Heinrich Heine (1797-1856)

"To travel far, there is no better ship than a book"

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)

"A beautiful book is a victory won in all the battlefields of human thought"

Honoré de Balzac (1799-1850)

"No two people read the same book"

Edmund Wilson (1895-1972)

jueves, 12 de abril de 2012


At the time when Mariano Rajoy was in opposition, said ad nauseam that the PSOE improvised measures to get us out of the crisis and now a week later to make the presentation of the general budget of the state, something that came calling for the EUfrom the month of January to the Spanish government, mean Easter, the executive led by Rajoy has occurred through a press statement that affects a further cut in health and education estimated at 10,000 million Euros.

This new cut that the Spanish right, justifies referring to it is a measure that aims to streamline some aspects of expenditure in these areas and that far from being a cut, is a cost saving measure, collides head-on with the current system because the competence in health and education are decentralized, and any cutting measure, savings, or whatever name it, you must have the consensus of those who have the skills, that in this area are the regions, except measures envisaged in order to rationalize the unnecessary parts of the health infrastructure or education, which are the responsibility of central government and which have a role in government duplicity.

Faced with this new and improvised budgetary adjustment would be nice to know if Mariano Rajoy sure what direction to take to get us out of the crisis, because as far to appease the markets and confidence, appears to have taken the road diametrically opposed, as the raw risk continues to rise to record highs and that Spain has become the epicenter of another earthquake for the Eurozone and while that happens in the markets in Spain vaguely announced that they will translate the new settings, while ministers and heads visible on the right new release balloons on the health repayment, depending on income rather than the end we had just affecting everyone, because in the eyes of the Spanish right, we have to pay for services rendered by the state as citizensNordic countries, while wages and working conditions are closer to third world countries.

Although one could point out that the great problem of Spain is not only not have a growth model and prosperous future for the country, or that the measures being taken by the executive right fit and cut are not used to generate employment, or even less for these measures ultimately generate the growth needed for Spain generate investor confidence, the real problem is that Spain is in a club called the EU to which it belongs, which lacks a comprehensive strategy to get us out of the crisis , that the EU currency, the Euro, we are planting a pulse to impose its hegemony dollar in the markets and to do no supranational control bodies, called "Raiting Agencies" or quietan giving confidence in the markets , the bonds of countries, and the last and in my view, perhaps the main, is that the best way to attack the EU economically through its weakest link and that link is now Spain if we are rescued, the EU vera sunk his confidence in the markets and the European project will founder.

So in my opinion and since I am a layman in such a complex matter, I believe the EU does not put forward a real plan of all countries, all countries for all euro area countries, which aim to us out of the crisis at all, continue on the wrong track because we are linked economically, but politically the pair are separated and that takes us away from a one-way vision of the problem and finding a comprehensive solution.

Antonio Garcia Leal ®

sábado, 7 de abril de 2012


"I think there will come a time when the ruins
of corruption will rise the splendid morning
emancipated world, free from all evils,
of all monstrous anachronisms of our
time and our outmoded institutions "

Samuel Fielden

miércoles, 4 de abril de 2012


Much has happened since Miguel Boyer in 1984 with the first tax amnesty decreed in democratic Spain, its purpose, get put in the box from the public purse some of the millions that the wealthy classes, once the leaders had escaped the control of the estatepublic, which in those days, in which the Spanish banks in banking secrecy still existed, or when there was no VAT (value added tax), this amnesty was a slight push of black money to the battered chests, by buying Treasury promissory notes in a tax, in addition to providing the acquirer of anonymity, something unthinkable today if you look coolly, but pardonable, if you consider that there are many things in those days like today, were and remain well bound, although this would not be the last time a socialist government would declare an amnesty, as in 1991 when he was finance minister Carlos Solchaga, offered to redeem their money fraudster black, by promissory notes denominated treasury, public debt, especially with an interest rate below market, in any case these measures filled the expectations.

The next time and the last in which a socialist government would raise this possibility, it was in 2010, at the height of the economic crisis and two years ahead of the elections, to a brutal lack of liquidity, this time with Zapatero head of the executive, raise it meant that the then opposition leader Mariano Rajoy tachase of occurrence and Maria Dolores de Cospedal, now general secretary of the popular party, the measurement tachase antisocial.

After the brief history of tax amnesties in Spain, to paraphrase Mr. Rajoy the tachare of occurrences, the first things I ask myself is, is it ethical and moral in a time of cuts amnesty to tax fraudster?, I think not, since they will benefit from this amnesty, has been uncooperative with the other citizens, has benefited from the services we provided the state that has disappointed and probably belong to the wealthy classes of this country, and this seen from my perspective, as a simple taxpayer who is exposed to an error on your statement will pose a huge fine for my microeconomics, is not acceptable to me taught me that stealing has consequences and the state has to be there to enforce thelaw.

I also wonder what has changed so that the occurrences of Zapatero, measures are now bright?, In my opinion the only thing that has changed is the political color of government, before ruling on the left, and now rules the right, a right demagogic and hypocrite who has a speech and lacking changing goals we undoubtedly will lead to nowhere, a government that in the words of finance minister emphasizes that the first is the deficit, the second is the deficit, and the third is the deficit, forgetting that this country is made up of flesh and blood people form with their daily work, the GDP of this country.

But worst of all, the occurrence of the government to raise between fraudsters, who will collect an estimated 2.5 billion euros, forecasts very positive if you consider that you can not encrypt the intention of the fraudster, as can we know with certainty that the money will emerge?, in my opinion and not venture your opinion means to me, like buying a lottery ticket and hope that tap to pay the mortgage next month.

However emerge before the millions of black money to the executive Rajoy problems arise to carry out its announced tax amnesty, as the Basque Country and Navarre have already said they will not apply saying something obvious, which has to do is chase the fraudster.

To conclude that I am not in favor with the tax amnesty because I consider unjust and unjustifiable in economic crisis, in which the majority must tighten their belts, the fraudster paying 10% to go scot-free with money has defrauded the public finances, it is educational and useful for citizens allow tax fraud and there is less to amnesties that serve to maintain the status of life of people who say they are the wealthy classes of this country.

Antonio Garcia Leal ®


The state budgets # PGE, leave us a whole string of cuts which together account for 27 billion euros, a synthesis of these cuts leave a scenario where not free any citizen outreach public service, reducing healthcare 6.8 % Social spending was 4.3%, Education 21.9%, 15.1% Cultural, Environment 31.2%.
This steady reduction in public spending, aims to reduce the budget deficit to 5.3% EU taxation and markets for Spain not intervened, these measures, taken together success can kill us, because if Although Spain may end up meeting these deficit targets, the contraction in public spending will generate unemployment, offset by reforming the labor market predicts that the government itself does not create jobs and leaving unshielded the working class of this country for good and evil is what sustains the whole system, plus the apparent lack of liquidity among small and medium enterprises that largely prevent the creation and support of employment, a lack of liquidity that banks can not resolve the injections of money selling EU compared to 1% to 5% to the administration to provide liquidity to Royal Decree-Law 4/2012 which will be used by the local government pay their suppliers and that in turn will help providers indebted banks pay for this, which only makes banks a windfall, generates the ideal breeding ground for the whole package that straitjacket our public expenditure policy and the measures to reform the labor market does not serve at all to get us out of the crisis, but rather to keep Spain in the crisis for longer.

So we should ask where is the magic wand wielding Mariano Rajoy when he was in opposition, and claimed to be the solution to bring the crisis to Spain? In campaign promise to be the only reliable alternative to pull the country out of crisis, Now with his measures after 100 days in office is leading the Spanish locomotive without lights through that tunnel in which we got greedy bankers and inept politicians who failed to manage the wealth that generated the housing bubble, and we failed to invest that money to build the foundations of future economic growth of this country and those powders come sludge.

The course taken by many bodies Rajoy politicians leave in their wake, and several generations of citizens living dead.

Antonio Garcia Leal ®
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