domingo, 30 de agosto de 2015


A few weeks after the Catalan elections where they will settle between separatist forces and defenders remain part of the Kingdom of Spain, through these lines, in my capacity as a voter who disagrees with the project or the United Spain offered me españolistas or independence with the proposed offering me independence; I have written this article.

As for the independence project, I would like to stress that those who intend to me I have not put on the table, accompanied his proposal; in that kind of country I live; are the unknowns that generates me the proposal that clarifies me, since independence have not told me if we have a public health, a payment or free road infrastructure, what my tax rate to support the new state and Currency we, if we will be part of Europe. Nor have they told me about the proposed constitution and I think this is fundamental to joining a project of this magnitude; They have not told me that the political model of republic proposed me, if we have the Senate, if living in a vegueria, and have not told me about what will happen to the language, we will be bilingual?, say some things that have not said definitively shortly before the independence project and this is difficult for me to join.

In my opinion, I think it would have been well to discussion forums and briefings which reveal these and other questions to which we do not see clear independence would have been nice to put on and to put ideas with free thinkers from both sides, this would have served to winning more support among the citizenry and to uncover unknowns.

On the other side are the proponents of constitutional reform a constitution that among others wrote the same as for 40 years imposed a dictatorship and put too corsets as articles for the text could not reform comprehensively the constitution of 78 or the so-called "Consensus of 78" is nothing more than a headlong rush of a people who are forced to vote "yes to the constitution" or "NO and dictatorship" the constitution of 78 does not apply to the XXI century Spain and I do not think the reform have lead them to have judicialized amendments to the Statute of Autonomy something to vote freely in the Catalan village democracy, and that is largely to blame for that today many Catalans are in favor of independence or summarizing the catchphrase "of those dusts these muds come."

I think these people the first thing you have to lead is an internal reform of its ideas and its leaders who live anchored in the past and the view is the current legislature, reforms have taken us on rights in the late 70th early 80s, see primal proposed reform of the abortion law; gag law drafted to silence the people, or the labor reform that has only served to cut workers rights for the employer, they and their proposals will regress to the civil society and it is likely that if we leave, if we behave like You were a time travel to Spain the "Consensus of 78" in the Spain where the missing were rights and freedoms for the people and where collaborators of the dictator jacket Democrats got to leave everything well tied.
Therefore I do not see the PP put on the table a solid proposal for the XXI century Spain, and never in any of its political proposals, I've seen proposing something we can benefit people like me are part of the class working in this country. I do not see their leaders suitable for people the country needs change, your program to stop bleeding after a voter legislature cuts and bailouts for the bankers and the rich at the expense of citizens' money; It is the program of fear or Abyss "or us or none" and so I think you can not take the country forward.

As for the PSC (Socialist Party of Catalonia) branch of the PSOE (Spanish Socialist Workers' Party) in Catalonia, where federalist adventure, is not, in my opinion, a fable to regain lost ground, do not believe in it and that evidenced by the many divisions that have left you, just want to vote and I for one I believe it stopped when I discovered that federalism supports the monarchy as a system. Emerging parties do not have a clear proposal, or at least I do not know fully how to think is solid, the new right represented by Ciudadan's or as they call in Spain Ciutadanos, I will not vote him because I do not believe in its tenets the right. As for those we propose its own tax system to Catalonia, ignoring the fact that many who took to the Catalan way yearn to own their own state laws and boundaries, they forget that there are people who no longer want to be part of the Kingdom of

Spain, and I think they're wrong if they do not realize that it is no longer just a question of money. The plural left, supports the referendum and the right to decide of the Catalan people and this I believe to be the true starting point for ensuring continuity of Catalonia or the Kingdom of Spain.
For my part I am not in favor of independence; or the constitutional reform they propose the PP, nor of federalism PSC / PSOE that protects the monarchy, I am not in favor of technocrats Ciudadan's or Ciutadanos, or think this is already a matter of money. I am a firm advocate that this Spain creek passes through the proclamation of the Third Republic Spanish federal solution; the repeal of the constitution of 78 and the opening of a constitutional process to democratize all institutions and leading to the XXI century Spain in a country where people and their rights are over capital; a Spain where the constitutional framework of the historical nationalities relationship with the central government, to end the tensions independence, a constitution that recognizes, respects and solidly defend the languages, history and culture of the historic nationalities of the redefined New Republic. I advocate a republican Spain, agreed by all, by all and for all.

A different Spain certainly I propose, my proposal is to Spain the "Consensus of the century", a Spain where the first premise for politicians, is working to build a society where social inequalities are building a future cut prosperity for all.

However I would like to end this article by saying that neither the independence nor the Third Republic, or the constitutional reform, or federalism, get us out of the current situation in which we are engaged, so I think that although we must open this debate , talking and proposing in this election on independence, federalism or the Third Republic; 27S for Catalonia need political parties, from the left, where my political thinking is located, put on the table proposals to cut social, and projects that generate employment stability and to build a future of prosperity for the Catalan people, accompanying nation project we want for Catalonia either inside or outside the Kingdom of Spain.

And finally, to see my mood to Catalan independence I want to say to paraphrase Voltaire, "I do not agree with what they propose independence, but I will give my life to defend your right to say it". And speaking to suspend españolistas Catalan autonomy; If you fail our autonomy and deprive us of our freedom to legislate and decide who governs us, I will not hesitate a moment to let me independence.

Antonio Garcia Leal
 Secretary of the neighborhood Association Tancat III