domingo, 7 de agosto de 2011


Climate change is a problem that affects us all, beyond borders, races, creeds, and one of the main triggers is the use of fossil fuels. Its use is also an unnecessary economic burden for both developed societies and societies in developing countries. But is not the only factor in climate change, too, another factor to consider is the destructive capacity while constructive man, who in the past 100 years has been able to destroy entire ecosystems for the development of their society to apply properly the findings in developing renewable energy and turn their cities into a part of the environment, with minimal impact on the ecosystem other issue to consider is the need to recycle our waste in its entirety and to make rational use of our water supply. The last point to note is that even today people still cementing their industry and civil society around this scarce, expensive and destructive to the environment such as fossil fuels seems absurd to continue in this line would have cheaper alternatives, safe and sustainable development of our societies.
Undoubtedly continue this escalation, but sooner or later, came a cruel and fruitless warfare for control of raw materials, and it is also clear that this war will not bring so many before but hunger and desolation and destruction society as we know, leading companies are likely to even worse. It is also likely that emerging companies were better, but the germ of destructive war is not the solution to solve the current problems, nor has it ever been.
The solution is simple, and is not to eradicate the use of fossil fuels but to make reasonable use of this scarce good and start using renewable energy sources for civil society to create sustainable cities coexist with the ecosystem without damaging it and without disturbing the extent possible. It is now not to destroy everything we have created to build something different it is to implement energy solutions to current problems.
Such solutions could be in line to replace, gradually park private vehicles that use gasoline or diesel for vehicles using hydrogen or solar or other non-polluting systems for traction, it could also encourage or even compel, to make homes that use photovoltaics for energy supply, it probably would not solve the energy needs of citizens, but that will turn the cities into real centers of production of clean energy that ultimately would go to the network, which would lower electricity demand another important factor to consider is the recycling of waste, lack of awareness in this area makes us beings destructive to the planet, one reasonable solution is that from the administration, encourage an active and conscious recycling of
waste because the process is far from sensitized actively to society.
Regarding the use of fossil fuels such as oil, which is highly polluting as I said before, this is not to eradicate their use, but to restrict this use to the industry and the achievement of raw materials for manufacturing use by civil society, such as chemicals to manufacture plastics, heavy oils, tar and asphalt. Also in this group of fossil fuels are the gas and coal which should be referred to the industry for its polluting effects.
Another factor is the economic cost of these measures or part of which, although initially the civil society will assume as they are implanted and creating medium-term benefits should be a reasonable cost for administration, and therefore for the society at large, medium and long term a better world for future generations, would also be important to emphasize research and development of renewable energy for industry, and ApaLI to the deficit that will lead to the lack of such material must be promote this research to create societies in all areas clean, evolve the same way they did before, since the dawn of human civilization today.
In conclusion, it would be a step to begin to take seriously these issues and seek solutions to create sustainable societies in the long run be better in all areas, because tackling the shortcomings of this world we live in, obviously we must pass "oil era" and jump right into the "era of renewable energy," and because tomorrow is partly ours and of our offspring, the future must begin to build today.

"Building a better tomorrow
is conditional on the strength of the
foundation that we put in this "

Antonio Garcia Leal ®

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