You could say that the Russian revolution was the highlight of the communist movement emerged in Europe during the French Revolution. But the question is, what is it that there was communism in Russia and its satellite countries? Can we say that china is a communist country?, And the Cuban regime is communist? Could say that revolutions in these countries were communists and their leaders were also in favour of creating a communist society, but when it came to power and stopped the process broke down the dreams of creating a just and egalitarian society, either by external factors or by the greed of their leaders the reality is that not we have come to see never a communist society in full operation, if it could be said that as close to this type of society, collectively and was mainly in Catalonia and Aragon during the Spanish civil war, although these were dissolved in 1937 by the army of the republic.
We can say that communism is an ideological stream that advocates the elimination of social classes in order to create a society with a single class, self-reliant, which is supplying itself and living in peace and harmony wherever the first being treated attempt to create a communist society in Europe was in revolutionary France, between 1795 and 1796, called this "conspiracy of equals" and extols real equality of men who appeared in "the declaration of the rights of man and citizen of 1789 "among its leaders can find Francois-Noel Babeuf, who advocated the abolition of private property and the right to inherit land, was also a strong supporter of the collectivization of land Babeuf is considered one of the first theoreticians of communism as well as a pre anarchist. The conspiracy of the same failed, however, this school of thought combined with other social economic and political factors, leading to Marxism embodied in the communist manifesto of 1848.
The Communist manifest, written by Marx and Engels, was published in 1848 and represents the cornerstone, around which revolve communism in the subsequent 69 years until the Russian Revolution of 1917, and comes to responding to the emerging working class living in deplorable conditions throughout the industrialized Europe communism is a clear condemnation of capital and capitalist society, which exploits the working class before the passivity of the authorities, for this reason, the manifesto calls between its top abolition of classes social and state to create a just and egalitarian society where there are no classes for this purpose it is necessary to make a revolution, this revolution will lead to the working class to power, and after a period of transition, in which an entity manager revolutionary lead society to the last and final phase of the revolution that is the disappearance of this managing body because society is already self-management. It is also true that Marx was a visionary who believed that the Communist revolution would spread around the world easily, and this perhaps is the potential error, because no society was now ready for that change so radical that is why communism is not prospered because the construction of a communist society involved the destruction of the existing company to its foundations, and the creation of a single class in which there are no differences. Communism also flourished within the working class because not all were consistent in how they should make this change and this was evident in the first international congress in 1872, where anarchists were expelled and Anarcho-syndicalism because they were not compliant with the period of transition before the elimination of the state.
The need to create an egalitarian society was the driving force behind the changes represented a substantial improvement in the lives of the working class of Europe after a constant struggle, and acosta lives of many workers, even as the communist revolution did not come to consolidate However, the need to create a society like this is the end, the germ destroyer of the company itself, because if we analyze the results of the so-called communist revolutions, all revolutions have stalled in Phase 2, starting the basis that a Communist revolution consists of three distinct phases that would be, First revolution; Secondly the creation of a body that would lead manager revolutionary revolution thirdly and finally the last phase, which would eliminate state or the managing body of the revolution because society would have learned to self.
The failure of communism is illustrated by the Russian Revolution of 1917, where the people rose up against the Czar because they lived in a feudal state, where citizens was nothing more than mere instruments of the state, yes there that the revolution succeeded because The change meant the hegemony of the people, the collectivization of land for the benefit of the people, because finally be completed with the privileged classes of society Tsarist, to convert, faits accomplis, the theories of Marx and Engels's Communist manifesto and reach to create such a utopian society, where all were equal and where no one lacks for nothing.
For this the leaders of the revolution, Leon Trotsky and Vladimir Lenin, Josef Stalin, among others, lead the Russian people through the various stages of Communism described in "Communist Manifesto" of Marx and Engels and this is where is the problem of communism itself said, in the inability of communist leaders moving to phase 3, in which Will will have disappeared from human nature, selfishness, lust for power, the desire for progress of the individual so staff and the desire to live differently? Will be willing to leave the ruling classes of caring for the revolutionary process because it has already reached its zenith?, does mean that they do not exceed mere instruments of the revolution?, does not accept that any longer revered for having led the revolution and become ordinary citizens like everyone else?, and I do not think this was evident after the untimely death Lenin, because at that moment that Stalin took the reins of the revolution, after struggling for power with Trosky, is when this becomes stagnant in final form, and since then, that communism is not progressing toward its third and decisive phase. Moreover, in addition to stall the revolution in Russia, also was devoted to prosecute, so ruthless, those who trumpeted the creation of a more egalitarian society based on communism good proof of this we have it in the assassination of Trotsky or Andreu Nin, among others, the latter founder, along with Juan Andrade of the POUM, (Workers' Party Marxist Unification) a cutting Marxist party, came from the union of the parties BOC (block workers and peasants) and ICE (left Spanish community) in 1935, in Spain, the POUM was against Marxism-Leninism and why their leaders were persecuted by the communist Russian agents abroad, this time from my point of view this is where Russian communism becomes a simple dictatorship.
Other subsequent attempts to create a communist society failed for the same reason that the Russian revolution it did before, since the revolution china or the Cuban revolution, led respectively by Mao Zedong and Fidel Castro by the inability of their leaders go beyond the second phase of the revolution. And that is indeed the main obstacle to communist societies operate, are yearning for progress and improvement of individual persons who have to build these companies, because they will become the parent of revolution from the very moment to assume control of the revolution, will be judges and executioners of the revolution back in where they are, will be revered by some and denostar by others and that in essence is the germ of destructive communist society, creating a class leader who always can put everything into question, the lack of clear and concise deadlines for achieving the goals of the Communist manifesto, the total and absolute conformism of society regarding their status.
That's because at heart, communism society preaches single thought and that goes against human nature. Is it then communism, the solution to the problem of society? I do not think so, not because it is an unworkable idea, but because no society is willing to shoulder the high costs of destroying everything built so far, to quit in the hands of a few elected, the transition towards an egalitarian society, however it must be said that the idea is brilliant, that would be desirable, that society was so self-sufficient, self-government without us go without private ownership , A society where we have everything. An unattainable utopia, that's why I would call to communism as a "giant with feet of clay."
But peaceful society can improve Babeuf said at the end of "the manifesto of the commoners", "Come on, after a thousand years, to change these laws rude!" I say unto you, let us do what is a good start
® Antonio Garcia Leal