martes, 9 de octubre de 2012


The sovereigntist that flag Artur Mas intends clog two disastrous years of legislature that only served to reduce the welfare state of Catalan citizens and to bring the total to the economic paralysis Catalan in Catalonia today But all promises that led him to victory in 2010 have led to more resounding failures, everything promised is fulfilled all the elimination of the estate tax something that demanded the wealthy classes of Catalonia that vote, other than there is nothing more than empty promises and a government pact with the Spanish right which has competed with so fierce in escalating cuts and tax increases to the middle and lower classes in order to squeeze to get money for the treasury .

At his failure and that Spain view more sooner or later be redeemed, whatever it says the Spanish right, CIU has embarked on a legitimate independence adventure that has taken him to call elections the 25N presented a program that depends on independence to gain votes, which comes at a time when we are seeing citizens stunned as our national sovereignty has been put up for sale by a few billion euros without even can decide whether we accept it or not, a few euros Acosta will pay the casualization of public health, public expense of education, or jubilándonos later to end the rich and powerful do not pay the piper of credit, a credit to pay our children and grandchildren and that having become more precarious public services and an uncertain future unless you belong to the upper classes, the benefit of the debt of the greed of a few who will remain and live as privileged, which is why I find it absurd to speak independence when the Lord most of CIU proposes is nothing that independence from Spain to stop the hands of speculators European Union, a parliament by which I do not feel represented and that is all that serves to carry asphyxia citizen.

That's why I am convinced that the bet of Mas for independence being as legitimate and in no nonsense, is useless because ultimately end up in the hands of "Troika" and welfare will be for the elite while the bill will for citizens of Catalonia, because think one thing Catalan independence, independence with a bill be paid by someone and I see the wealthy classes Catalan very willing to foot the bill for free, nor see the EU make money investing in that longed independent Catalonia at 0 cost, will ultimately pay the usual and I include myself because first of all I am Catalan, I live in Catalonia and fails to do it even more independent.

Antonio Garcia Leal ®

lunes, 8 de octubre de 2012


Seen from the perspective of interested foreign and inner part of the Catalan elections will 25N citizens from the crossroads of vote to stay in Spain voting españolistas parties Catalan parliamentary spectrum, or vote for the bet advocating independence Catalan right, some left-wing parties and pro-independence parties of the camera.
Amid that crossroads where voters are Catalan PSC is defending the federalist model, as the evolution of the autonomous model exhausted, but what is federalism, which is defending the asymmetry? are issues that many voters question, and I wonder why in these peak times in that part of the Catalan parties defend the Catalan nation building the dream cherished by so many important idealistic past, we turn to the socialist defend federalism is an idea that sounds strange insipidus in a country where the head of state is a king. In this article I will tell you what I think is the federalism question answering.

What is federalism

Federalism applied to a country where words of enlightened citizens in this area is "negotiation and agreement" is the negotiation between free citizens who reach a pact and coexistence within a distinct territorial framework, "is citizenship" because are citizens representing citizens who negotiated the pact, which leads me to the conclusion, even when I was a layman in this complex matter, federalism, is the individual right of a group to decide, by negotiating the legal framework for all nature where they want and how they want to live several different territories.

Defending federalism

Federalism defends something as simple as creating rules that allow the coexistence coexistence, is applied to Spain among others, the deployment of the statutes of autonomy so that the regions can not see their powers invaded by the central government intrusion; eliminating duplication in administration because it makes no sense that the powers trasferidas have a counterpart in the central government, reforming the Senate so that this becomes a
true organ of communication between the central government and the autonomous regions, and in my view ultimately defends the uniqueness that makes each town in Spain within a framework of democratic agreed by all.


Asymmetry in this context is the uniqueness of each town, perhaps in Spain in which we live is not there areas that have more than one official language?, Does have all territories sea? Is there no regions that are islands while others are autonomous cities?, For that is, territorial asymmetry makes different territories may have different powers, then defends asymmetrical federalism as simple as the uniqueness of each village and its consequences on competition.

Because I consider it feasible

As Republican federalism see in the sociopolitical context in which can eventually be broken this Spain, to the proclamation of the Third Republic, a republic of free citizens Executed town where coexistence rules fairly and fully, and is fair and fair society that we live in progressing towards abolition of the institution of monarchy anachronism, something incompatible with a progressive society, because if federalism is negotiating citizenship pact and obviously we have to be able to see that no citizen has to be above the other so I consider viable federalism from the perspective of an avowed republican, because it drives as simple and comprehensive as the construction of a country of the people, by the people and for the people from the base of democracy.
This is my idea of ​​what is asymmetrical federalism and these are my reasons to support it, I have more, but all stem from the fundamental principle of federalism is that the negotiation and agreement of free citizens in freedom and therefore I support.

"The dialectic confrontation is part of the essence
of democracy is and should be the basis on
 which underpin federalism "

Antonio Garcia Leal ®!/tatarlak